Family tributes to 'a true fighter'.
Steve Jones (Father): A son for us to be proud of; a real character to all that knew him. His young life was taken away far too soon but we smile that he put into it what most could only hope to achieve in two lifetimes. We are completely overwhelmed to think 'our boy' touched so many people's lives with his warmth, cheeky humour and friendship - those who are left behind will bear the pain and sorrow but our son is at peace now. We would like to extend our grateful thanks to our families, friends, the racing community and for all of the world wide messages of sympathy.

Steve Jones (Father): A son for us to be proud of; a real character to all that knew him. His young life was taken away far too soon but we smile that he put into it what most could only hope to achieve in two lifetimes. We are completely overwhelmed to think 'our boy' touched so many people's lives with his warmth, cheeky humour and friendship - those who are left behind will bear the pain and sorrow but our son is at peace now. We would like to extend our grateful thanks to our families, friends, the racing community and for all of the world wide messages of sympathy. A true fighter to the end, love you son, Dad xxx.
Yvonne Jones (Mother): My heart is broken; Craig was 'my boy' and could do no wrong. He once said he was living the dream and Craig most certainly did that. I will love him forever and how much I will miss him there are no words. Mum xxx.
Kirsty Jones (Sister) and baby Libby (Niece): Words cannot describe the heartache we are feeling. Craig was one in a million, a fantastic 'little brother' and uncle who made us so, so proud. We love and miss him so much our lives will never be the same. Love always Big Sis xxx.
Cassie Jones (Sister): Craig was not only my big brother, he was my hero. He was one of the brightest stars in my life and now he is the brightest star in the sky. Love and miss you forever 'Big Bro' xxx.
Karen Atkins (Partner): My Craig. Craig was the soul-mate I thought I would never find, he made every single day of my life extra special, he was the air that I breathed, he made me the happiest girl in the world. I loved your smile it made me warm. I love you today and always, wait for me xxx
***Steve Jones has spoken with Andrew Pitt, the rider who made contact with Craig as he fell from his bike in the accident. Steve has made it clear that in no way does the family hold Andrew responsible and has asked him to go on and win the World Championship for Craig.