Major development in recovery of Mia Rusthen
“Mia is back! Just as smart, strong, sweet, sensitive, stubborn, funny and wonderful"

Mia Rusthen is “progressing” and has walked with some support from her sister.
She crashed at the inaugural round of the FIM Women's Circuit Racing World Championship in mid-June.
The Norwegian rider was in a coma but has since come out, and her family have been providing updates about her recovery.
Alongside footage here, of Rusthen and her sister walking arm-in-arm, a caption read: “Here is Mia, 12 weeks after the accident in Misano, on a long-awaited leave from Sunnaas hospital.
“See how she walks on her own with just a little support from her big sister!
“Things are progressing in every way with Mia. Step by step, day after day, she makes progress and masters more and more again.
“She is is a true champ, works as hard as ever, through both laughter, tears and despair, and she does not give up even though it is tempting at times.
“Mia is back! Just as smart, strong, sweet, sensitive, stubborn, funny and wonderful as she has always been.
“There is still a long and tough road to go for Mia, and the battle is hers to fight, but we all cheer and support her all we can and know that all of you do the same. It means so much! Thank you!
“Kind regards,
“Mia’s family - and Mia herself.”