Head: We accept the CRB decision.

Patrick Head says that the Williams team is content to abide by the decision of the Contracts Recognition Board, and says he's happy that it was agreed that the team itself had not acted improperly.

The judgement of the board instead put the onus on Jenson Button's management team for failing to act properly when BAR apparently slipped up.

Head admitted that the team was disappointed to have missed out on Button and confirmed that the team would not be taking it further.

Patrick Head - BMW Williams F1
Patrick Head - BMW Williams F1
© Crash Dot Net Ltd

Patrick Head says that the Williams team is content to abide by the decision of the Contracts Recognition Board, and says he's happy that it was agreed that the team itself had not acted improperly.

The judgement of the board instead put the onus on Jenson Button's management team for failing to act properly when BAR apparently slipped up.

Head admitted that the team was disappointed to have missed out on Button and confirmed that the team would not be taking it further.

"Obviously we're disappointed in the judgement," he said. "But clearly they stated that Williams acted in good faith, that there was an opportunity there, but they have judged that by the actions of Jenson's manager in the way he behaved they did not believe that he informed BAR as he should have done that they hadn't taken the option up correctly - which was upheld by the CRB. They did not take the option up correctly.

'We were informed that he was clear of his BAR contract, but obviously the CRB has not judged that. But it was quite clear that even the CRB agreed that there was an opportunity. At least we know where we are now, and we'll have to make a selection for next year.

"We uphold the judgement of the CRB, and we will certainly not be taking it further. We had preferred for the matter to be heard in the British courts, but that was not a route that eventually got taken. The teams generally agree to comply with the decisions of the CRB.'

Head also scoffed at suggestions that Williams may put together a financial package to try and secure Button for 2005.

"I don't know where this rumour comes from!" he said. "Anyone who knows Frank knows that he won't be paying millions. I don't think that will happen."

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