Q&A: Leon Camier.
Camier joins Airwaves Ducati from Honda, with whom he finished eighth during his debut 2007 season in the BSB championship - and despite sustaining a serious injury at Cadwell Park. Leon will ride alongside Shane Byrne in 2008.
How did you get the nickname 'Shafter'?
Leon Camier:
Never you mind! No seriously, it all came about when Casey Stoner and Chaz Davies used to ride in the British 125 series; it was originally Cam-Shaft from Camier which, over time, turned into Shafter.
What car do you drive?

Camier joins Airwaves Ducati from Honda, with whom he finished eighth during his debut 2007 season in the BSB championship - and despite sustaining a serious injury at Cadwell Park. Leon will ride alongside Shane Byrne in 2008.
How did you get the nickname 'Shafter'?
Leon Camier:
Never you mind! No seriously, it all came about when Casey Stoner and Chaz Davies used to ride in the British 125 series; it was originally Cam-Shaft from Camier which, over time, turned into Shafter.
What car do you drive?
Leon Camier:
A Honda at the mo but I am getting rid of it in December and I'm not sure what I'll get after that...
Do you have any role models, either on or off the track?
Leon Camier:
There are lots of people who I look up to like Lance Armstrong, Casey Stoner, Troy Bayliss; there is always something to be learnt from people like that.
Who is your favourite rider of all time?
Leon Camier:
Troy Bayliss
What do you think your biggest challenge will be this season?
Leon Camier:
It's all a whole new challenge for me as everything will be new, the team, the bike and as yet I haven't ridden the Superbike at Donington or Brands Indy due to my injury this season. There's so many, but winning the championship is obviously the goal.
Do you think your recent injury will hinder you either physically or mentally?
Leon Camier:
I'm hoping if anything it will make me stronger. It's the biggest injury I've ever sustained but it's definitely made me really miss the racing and more eager to be back out on a bike.
Now that you have joined the Wrigley's Airwaves Ducati Team, what are your aims and targets for the forth coming season and the future?
Leon Camier:
To fit as many pieces of chewing gum in my mouth at once! No seriously, my goal is to win but obviously there are so many factors so I will take it one step at a time. First I need to get fully fit with my leg, then I need to learn everything around me and start moving things forward. I'd like to be in a strong position at the start of the season to get some good early results.
How long have you had the habit of walking around race tracks the evening before a race? And to what extent does this aid you in the race?
Leon Camier:
How do you know about that to start with?! I do it just to clear my head and get in a good mind set for the next day.
Do you have any other superstitions?
Leon Camier:
I try not to have any.
What advice do you have for kids whose ambition is to become a pro rider?
Leon Camier:
It's not just about what you do on the track, you have to put in just as much effort off the track. I do think that if you work hard and put your mind to what you want to achieve, you can achieve it. My racing career has all happened pretty quickly and at 21 I'm now going to be racing for one of the most established teams in the paddock, it's all come though hard work and dedication.
Do you have a message for your fans?
Leon Camier:
I have fans, wahooo! Well I would like to take the opportunity to thank the hundreds of people that got in touch after my accident. It meant a lot to me reading some of their comments and really nice knowing that I have so much support, I really appreciate that. I hope they will all continue to support me in 2008 and the Airwaves Ducati squad.
Have you spoken to Shakey since it was announced that you are going to be team mates next year?
Leon Camier:
No he lives abroad I can't afford the phone call! Actually I haven't really had the chance but I am looking forward to getting to know him and the rest of the Airwaves Ducati team over the next year or so.